Yeshua by Holy Drill

Yeshua Mp3 by Holy Drill is a song that has captured the attention of many. Released as part of his growing collection of gospel drill music, the song blends modern drill beats with worship, making it stand out in the genre. “Yeshua” pays tribute to the name of Jesus in Hebrew, emphasizing faith, love, and devotion through its lyrics and rhythm.
Holy Drill’s approach to gospel music is refreshing, bringing worship into spaces where it’s rarely heard. The song has gained attention for its unique style, combining deep spiritual themes with the energy of contemporary drill music. Holy Drill is known for his ability to bridge the gap between traditional gospel and modern music, and “Yeshua” perfectly demonstrates this talent.
Listen to Yeshua by Holy Drill Mp3
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Lyrics: Yeshua by Holy Drill
yeshuuu ahhh ahhhh yaaa Ahh
yeshuuu ahhh ahhhh yaaa ahhhh
yeshuuu ahhh (beat drops) ahhhh ahhh
yaa ahhhh ahhhh
(more beats)….
yeshuuu ahhh yaaa Ahh yaaa Ahh
yeshuuu ahhh ahhhh Ahh, ahh ahhh