MusicGospel Songs

Soon And Very Soon by Lynda Randle

Soon And Very Soon MP3 by Lynda Randle is a wonderful song that has brought comfort and hope to many. Released on October 25, 2005, this song is part of the album “Hymns.” The song was directed by Bill Gaither, a well-known figure in the gospel music industry.

The lyrics of “Soon And Very Soon” is a message of anticipation and hope, reminding us of the promise of a better future. Lynda Randle’s rich voice, combined with the song’s gentle beat, creates an atmosphere that encourages reflection and faith.

Listen to Soon And Very Soon by Lynda Randle MP3

Download Soon And Very Soon by Lynda Randle MP3

“Soon And Very Soon MP3” is a song that continues to inspire and uplift people around the world. Its message of hope and anticipation makes it a cherished part of Lynda Randle’s musical legacy.

Lyrics: Soon And Very Soon by Lynda Randle

Soon and very soon
We are going to see the King
Soon and very soon
We are going to see the King
Soon and very soon
We are going to see the King
Hallelujah, hallelujah
We’re going to see the king
No more cryin there
We are going to see the King
No more cryin there
We are going to see the King
No more cryin there
We are going to see the King
Hallelujah, hallelujah
We’re going to see the King

Should there be any rivers we must cross
Should there be any mountains we must climb
God will supplt all the strength that we need
Give us strength till we reach the other side

READ ALSO:  Manifest Your Power - Chris Shalom (Mp3, Lyrics)

We have come from every nation, God has already signed our name. Jesus took his blood and he washed my sins.. he washed them all away. Yet there are those of us who have laid down our lives but we all shall meet again on the other side… soon and very soon


We’re going to see the King!

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