Gospel Songs

Someone’s Knocking At The Door (Mp3, Lyrics) by Nathaniel Bassey

Someone’s At The Door Lyrics Nathaniel Bassey Mp3

Download Someone’s At The Door Mp3 by Nathaniel Bassey

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Video: Download Someone’s At The Door Mp3 by Nathaniel Bassey

Someone’s At The Door Lyrics of by Nathaniel Bassey:

Someone’s knocking at the door
Someone’s knocking at the door

Can you hear Him knocking
Can you hear Him knocking

He’s been knocking very long
He’s been knocking for so long

Can you hear Him knocking
Can you hear Him knocking

Jesus Jesus Jesus, is at the door
Jesus Jesus Jesus, is at the door

Someone’s calling out your name
Calling time and time again

Can you hear Him calling
Can you hear Him calling

He’s been calling very long
He’s been calling for so long

Can you hear Him calling
He’s been calling you

It’s Jesus Jesus Jesus, is at the door
It’s Jesus Jesus Jesus, is at the door

Don’t let him walk away
He’s so patient but, don’t take a chance

All you need to do is open the door
Let Him take his rightful place

So He can change your world

Open up the door…(X15)

Someone’s At The Door
Emi Mimo (Holy Spirit)
Holy Spirit Come
I Believe In You
You Are Holy
Nothing Without Love
Book Of Life
All I Need

READ ALSO:  Starts and Ends by Hillsong United

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