Gospel Songs

Yeshua Hamashiach (Overture) by Nathaniel Bassey ft. Oyinkan Bazuaye

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Lyrics: Yeshua Hamashiach (Overture) – Nathaniel Bassey ft. Oyinkan Bazuaye

Yeshua Hamashiach gracious Messiah
Soon coming king told of by prophet Isaiah
Our lord and king we bow before your throne
You who knew us before the beginning and called us your own
We call you Emmanuel we are never alone
Jesus the Christ oh how you redeemed mankind
From sin sickness and everything that held humanity behind
El-shadia, Adonia God all mighty Elion
Elohim humble raboli righteousness is you Jehovah sekenu
And shamah always present whenever we need you
Aribitirabata, Arabaribiti we were gone forever patapata
But your long hand of salvation olowogbogboro rescued us
Transformed us so much so that I mo le so
Tell me how could the great Rohi become that sacrificial lamb
So he can search and rescue all that love him
How could the everlasting become human just so he can save me
Oyigiyigi superior mighty one
Eze ndieze greater than every king that has or will ever come
I am that I am three in one, Holy God father, spirit,son
Jireh you are more than enough apata you are our rock
Our hiding place our strong tower to you be glory, honour,and power
Jehovah saboath fighting our battles olorunagbaye
You who owns the cattle upon a thousand hills
Who says and does not just for filling every chapter
But every clause oh opening prison doors shutting odd ones
Became a sacrifice
So we can be called sons
Onise Iyanu God of awesome wonders with you we don′t need a rail maker
Or air benders when with you the whole world
Is like a dropping of bucket
When you are the source of everything, creation
Surface are you not majestically rapped in the clouds
Are you not he that has gone up with a shout
Oh with the sound of the trumpet from sunrise to sunset
You do not change or fade
Yeshua neither do you ask for a refund for the price that you paid
Oh unto us a son and his name shall be called Yeshua
For he shall save his people from their sins
Hamashiach and thousands of years came it has not changed
Oh man of Galilee
Lion of Judah
Yeshua Hamashiach
(You’re the lion of Judah)
Yeshua Hamashiach
Lion of Judah
Yeshua Hamashiach
Lion of Judah
Yeshua Hamashiach
Lion of Judah
Yeshua Hamashiach
Lion of Judah
You′re the master of the universe
You’re the owner of this universe
You’re the owner of the universe

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