God’s Army by Vanessa Bernice

God’s Army MP3 by Vanessa Bernice is a song that is about faith and unity in the Church. Released on May 24, 2024, this track has quickly gained popularity among gospel music fans. Vanessa Bernice, known for her voice and meaningful lyrics created this song to encourage believers to stand strong and united in our spiritual journey.
The song begins with a powerful declaration of faith, setting the tone for the rest of the track. The lyrics emphasize the strength and unity of believers. It encourages us to rise and stand firm in our faith. The chorus reinforces this message, reminding us that we are part of a greater purpose and that we have the strength to overcome any challenges we may face.
The music video for God’s Army features scenes of people coming together in faith, supporting each other, and finding strength in unity. The scenes are uplifting and reflect the song’s topic of strength and hope in the Christian community. Vanessa Bernice’s dynamic performance adds an extra layer of emotion to the song, something that blows my mind.
Listen to God’s Army by Vanessa Bernice MP3
Download God’s Army by Vanessa Bernice MP3
God’s Army MP3 by Vanessa Bernice is a song that encourages us to embrace our faith, find strength in our community, and stand strong in the face of challenges. It’s a reminder that we are all part of a greater purpose and that we have the strength to overcome any obstacles that come our way.
Lyrics: God’s Army by Vanessa Bernice
There’s an army rising up
In the name of The Lord
Ruach Hakodesh
Ruach Hakodesh
There’s an army rising up
In the name of The Lord
Ruach Hakodesh
Ruach Hakodesh
There’s an army rising up
In the name of The Lord
Ruach Hakodesh
Ruach Hakodesh
There’s an army rising up
In the name of The Lord
Ruach Hakodesh
Ruach Hakodesh